Wadi D-4
Entryway A
See entire tombThis large, elongated pit served as a Foundation deposit and has rock-hewn Steps cut into its northwestern side.

Chamber B
See entire tombThis small, elongated chamber was used for a subsidiary burial. It's axis is slightly off from that of the pit and it is orientated southeast-northwest. The walls and ceiling were carefully cut and are undecorated.
Wadi D-4 is located south of the head of Carter’s Wadi D. It was discovered by the Metropolitan Museum of Art team that excavated in Wadi D in 1988. Cut into the valley floor, it consists of a steep stepped pit (A) that opens into a small chamber (B) of roughly the same width.
According to Christine Lilyquist, who was the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art excavations, the pit contained a Thutmoside Foundation deposit, similar to that found by Howard Carter in front of KV 38 and KV 34. Chamber B, on the other hand, is a subsidiary burial, owing to its careful cutting and size. The contents of the pit and chamber included model tools, model offering pot and dish; 18th Dynasty pottery sherds; a black granite fragment of a statue; a Faience finger ring; rims and handles of stone vessels; a mass of leather, bone, wood, and textile that were charred and covered in resin; and nail-studded leather of either a Roman of Coptic period date. Several finds matched others found in tomb Wadi D-1 and from other areas within the wadi, indicating that they were in all probability washed down and deposited by flooding.
Noteworthy features:
Wadi D-4 consists of a Thutmoside Foundation deposit and a subsidiary burial.
Site History
The cutting of Wadi D-4 most likely occurred during the Thutmoside Period. Following that, regular floods in the wadi deposited debris and objects from Wadi D-1 and other areas of wadi D into the pit and chamber.
Wadi D-4 was discovered and excavated by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1988.
This site was used during the following period(s):
Site Condition
According to Christine Lilyquist, the pit and chamber were completely filled with debris upon discovery. Parts of the chamber’s (B) left and rear walls had collapsed due to water, the rear wall had fallen in, and an east-west fault line runs westward up the stairs (A).

Tomb Numbering Systems in the Valley of the Queens and the Western Wadis
Latest Discovery in Wadi C (2022)
Geography and Geology of the Valley of the Queens and Western Wadis
Lilyquist, Christine with contributions by James E. Hoch and A.J. Peden. The Tomb of Three Foreign Wives of Tuthmosis III. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003.
Litherland, Piers. The western wadis of the Theban necropolis: a re-examination of the western wadis of the Theban necropolis by the joint-mission of the Cambridge Expedition to the Valley of the Kings and the New Kingdom Research Foundation, 2013-2014. London: New Kingdom Research Foundation, 2014.