KV 51
Animal tomb (Baboon, dog)
Entryway A
See entire tombThe entryway is a shallow square shaft.
Chamber B
See entire tombThis chamber is long and narrow, which could indicate the tomb was to be provided with one or two side chambers.
Gate B
See entire tombThe gate leads into chamber B. It was blocked with stones and part of a coffin.
KV 51 is located in the west branch of the southwest Wadi. The tomb consists of an entryway shaft (A) and a single chamber (B). The tomb is undecorated, but contained animal mummies.
Site History
KV 51 is one of a group of three adjacent tombs referred to as the "Animal Tombs." The two others are KV 50 and KV 52. The tombs are said to have belonged to pets of the king, perhaps Amenhetep II, because of the proximity of his tomb (KV 35). But this theory cannot be verified. The tomb was robbed during antiquity.
This site was used during the following period(s):
Site Condition
The tomb is inaccessible and filled with debris.
Anatomy of a Tomb: Ancient and Modern Designations for Chambers and Features
Davis, Theodore M., Gaston Maspero, Edward Ayrton, Georges Daressy and E.H. Jones. The Tomb of Siphtah (= Theodore M. Davis' Excavations, Biban el Moluk, 4). London, 1908. Pp. 17-18.
Helck, Wolfgang. Königsgräbertal. Wolfgang Helck, Eberhart Otto and Wolfhart Westendorf (eds.). Lexikon der Ägyptologie. 7 vols. Wiesbaden, 1972-1992. 3: 522.
Reeves, Carl Nicholas. Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropolis (= Studies in Egyptology). London: KPI, 1990. Pp. 170.
Thomas, Elizabeth. The Royal Necropoleis of Thebes. Princeton: privately printed, 1966. P. 166.
Weeks, Kent R. (ed.). Atlas of the Valley of the Kings (= Publications of the Theban Mapping Project, 1). Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2000. Map sheet 63.
Wilkinson, Richard H. and Carl Nicholas Reeves. The Complete Valley of the Kings. London: Thames and Hudson, 1996. P. 185.