KV 37
Entryway A
See entire tombThe entryway is composed of a steep staircase.
Corridor B
See entire tombThe walls of the corridor are bent slightly and the ceiling is not straight.
Gate B
See entire tombThe lintel of the gate is broken.
Burial chamber J
See entire tombThe floor is covered with dried mud. The chamber is trapezoidal. The edges of the ceiling are slightly rounded.
Chamber plan:
RectangularRelationship to main tomb axis:
ParallelChamber layout:
Flat floor, no pillarsFloor:
One levelCeiling:
Gate J
See entire tombThe gate slopes slightly down. The left (east) jamb is broken.
KV 37 is located in the south branch off the southwest Wadi, below KV 34. It consists of an entrance (A), leading to the burial chamber J, through a single corridor (B). The tomb is undecorated and partly excavated.
Noteworthy features:
The tomb was probably used as a storeroom by robbers.
Site History
The pottery shows that KV 37 was originally used for a burial, and its plan and location suggest it was for royalty. Because of the diversity of objects found, Elizabeth Thomas believed that the tomb was later used as a storeroom by robbers.
This site was used during the following period(s):
Site Condition
The tomb is only partly excavated.
Tomb Robberies
Anatomy of a Tomb: Ancient and Modern Designations for Chambers and Features
Daressy, Georges. Fouilles de la Vallée des Rois, 1898-1899 (= Catalogue Générale du Musée du Cairo, 24001-24990). Cairo, 1902. Pp. 299-301.
Helck, Wolfgang. Königsgräbertal. Wolfgang Helk, Ebrnart Otto and Wolfhart Westendorf (eds.). elck, Evbermnart Lexikon der Ägyptologie, 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1980. Pp. 520.
Reeves, Carl Nicholas. Valley of the Kings: The Decline of a Royal Necropolis (= Studies in Egyptology). London: KPI, 1990. Pp. 168.
Thomas, Elizabeth. The Royal Necropoleis of Thebes. Princeton: privately printed, 1966. Pp. 71-72.
Weeks, Kent R. (ed.). Atlas of the Valley of the Kings (=Publications of the Theban Mapping Project, 1). Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2000. Map sheet 52.
Wilkinson, Richard H. and Carl Nicholas Reeves. The Complete Valley of the Kings. London: Thames and Hudson, 1996. P. 183.