QV 83
Entryway A
See entire tombThe shaft entrance has a modern, cemented masonry surround with a metal grill.

Chamber B
See entire tombA very small, quite roughly cut undecorated chamber leading from the shaft (A). It is believed to be unfinished due to its tiny size, especially compared to shaft-adjacent chambers in other QV tombs.
QV 83 is a small tomb on the north side of the main Wadi, adjacent to the paved path and just east of the bridge that leads to QV 66. The tomb seems to be incomplete, as the shaft leads to a small, roughly hewn chamber unlike others in the Valley. The shaft entrance has a modern, cemented masonry surround with a metal grill.
Site History
The tomb was constructed in the 18th Dynasty and it is not certain whether it was completed or left unfinished.
This site was used during the following period(s):
Site Condition
The small chamber and shaft were partially filled with trash at the time of of the GCI-SCA assessment. According to the GCI-SCA, the rock of the small tomb seems stable with no apparent surface deterioration or large fractures. This tomb does, however, lie adjacent to the main flood path and is susceptible to flooding.

Tomb Numbering Systems in the Valley of the Queens and the Western Wadis
Geography and Geology of the Valley of the Queens and Western Wadis
Demas, Martha and Neville Agnew (eds). Valley of the Queens. Assessment Report. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2012, 2016. Two vols.
Leblanc, Christian. Ta set nefrou: une nécropole de Thèbes-ouest et son histoire, 1: géographie- toponymie: historique de l'exploration scientifique du site. Cairo: Nubar Printing House, 1989.