Sarcophagus of Thutmes I, comissioned for his reburial by Hatshepsut.
Image # 12340
KV 20: Thutmes I and Hatshepsut, Burial chamber J2, sarcophagus lid exterior, left side
KV 20: Thutmes I and Hatshepsut, Burial chamber J2, sarcophagus lid exterior, head end
KV 20: Thutmes I and Hatshepsut, Burial chamber J2, sarcophagus box exterior, left side
KV 20: Thutmes I and Hatshepsut, Burial chamber J2, sarcophagus box exterior, head end
Valley of the Kings, East Valley
West Bank, Luxor
Copyslide (Francis Dzikowski)
Image Taken On