Rameses I

A Vizier and deputy under Horemhab, then pharaoh for two years, Rameses I was buried in KV 16. He was succeeded by his son, Sety I. Paramessu, as Rameses I was called before being crowned pharaoh, was the son of a troop commander, Sety, from the eastern Delta town of Avaris. He rose rapidly through the ranks of the military and was eventually appointed vizier.
After a brief period as “Deputy of His Majesty in Upper and Lower Egypt,” meaning that he was an informal co-regent with Horemhab, Paramessu was crowned king and changed his name to Rameses I. His reign was a short one of less than two years. During that time, he added to the decoration of the Second Pylon at Karnak, built additions to the Nubian garrison at Buhen, re-opened long-closed turquoise mines in Sinai, and led at least one military expedition into western Asia.
Rameses I married Sitra, the daughter of an army officer, and she bore him a son whom they named after Rameses I’s father, Sety. His son succeeded Rameses I as the pharaoh Sety I. Rameses I was buried in the Valley of the Kings in KV 16, a small tomb reminiscent in plan and layout of Dynasty 18 royal tombs.