Between 2006-2011 the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) in partnership with Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities undertook detailed and comprehensive planning for the conservation and management of the Valley of the Queens and to jointly implement the results of the plan. Prior to this, from 1986 to 1992, the GCI worked with Egyptian colleagues and an international team on the conservation of the wall paintings in the tomb of Queen Nefertari (QV 66). The collaborative project was conceived in two phases and has resulted in a comprehensive QV conservation and management plan. Phase 1 of the project (2006—2010) involved comprehensive research, planning and assessment, culminating in the development of detailed plans, and architectural and engineering drawings. Phase 2 of the project, implementation of these plans, was intended to begin in 2011. Only conservation of the wall paintings in many of the tombs has been undertaken to date. The bulk of the intended implementation was interrupted by events in Egypt in 2011, and again in 2013.