Amenhetep II receiving life from Hathor; Imydwat, first and second hours; sarcophagus.
Image # 13550
KV 35: Amenhetep II, Burial chamber J, sarcophagus box exterior, left side
KV 35: Amenhetep II, upper level, Burial chamber J, right face of pillar 3
KV 35: Amenhetep II, upper level, Burial chamber J, left face of pillar 6
KV 35: Amenhetep II, lower level, Burial chamber J, rear wall
KV 35: Amenhetep II, upper level, Burial chamber J, rear wall
KV 35: Amenhetep II, Burial chamber J, Ceiling
KV 35: Amenhetep II, lower section, Burial chamber J, sarcophagus lid exterior, upper surface
Valley of the Kings, East Valley
West Bank, Luxor
Direction of View
Francis Dzikowski
Image Taken On